Our health partner kybun Joya - walk away from surgery

kybun Joya is the subsidiary company of the health shoe manufacturers kybun (founder Karl III) and Joya (founder Karl IV) - father and son.

The motivation to found kybun Joya was and is to enable customers to have a competent, medical contact point against pain in the musculoskeletal system until old age.

At a glance:

  • Family-run company
  • Represented in 40 countries worldwide
  • Over 2 million satisfied customers
  • Health and product know-how for over 25 years
  • Therapy instead of surgery for over 50 medical diagnoses
  • Therapy methods that can be experienced free of charge in the stores
  • Individual advice on specific concerns

kybun Joya is the subsidiary company of the health shoe manufacturers kybun (founder Karl III) and Joya (founder Karl IV) - father and son.

kybun founder Karl III and Joya founder Karl IV

The origin of the kybun Joya therapy

The kybun Joya therapy

The kybun Joya Therapy has its origin in the rice fields of South Korea. Walking in the rice fields is soft-elastic-springy and exactly this walking feeling is adapted by kybun Joya shoes. Hard and flat floors are transformed into soft-elastic-springy rice-field soils and your whole musculoskeletal system is trained and relieved!

The three central elements:

  • The kybun Joya products (soles with trampoline effect)
  • The release of fascia adhesions
  • Muscle length training

In order to offer you an integrated solution, the kybun Joya therapy also includes events in form of information lectures, consultation hours and advice sessions on various health concerns. In this way, theory is skillfully combined with practice to give you the best chance of a pain-free future!

Do you suffer from musculoskeletal pain? Learn more about the kybun Joya health consultation...

Our product recommendations

ID Zack III dark blue
ID Zack III dark blue
Regular price $279.90 –17%
Venice Zip light beige
Venice Zip light beige
Elastic Springy Seat Cushion
Elastic Springy Seat Cushion
Diabetes Socks
Diabetes Socks